All our websites are optimised for the most current web browsers available at the time a website project is ‘site ready’ which means your site is located on your server. This includes Mac, Windows and mobile browsers. Below is a table presenting the current browsers we are optimising websites for. You are also able to review past browsers. It is possible to optimise for additional and or older browsers, please speak to our Client Service team for information on this process

Mac Browsers

Browser Jan '24 Feb '24 Mar '24 Apr '24 May '24 Jun '24
Safari 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.5
Chrome 120.0.6099 120.0.6099 121.0.6167 124.0.6367 124.0.6367 126.0.6478
Firefox 119.0.1 122 123 124.0.1 125.0.2 126
Browser Jul '24 Aug '23 Sep '23 Oct '23 Nov '23 Dec '23
Safari 17.5 16.4.1 16.6 17.0 17.0 17.1
Chrome 126.0.6478 115.0.5790 116.0.5845 117.0.5938 118.0.5993 120.0.6099
Firefox 127.0.2 115.0.3 116 118.0.1 118.0.2 119.0.1

Windows Browsers

Browser Jan '24 Feb '24 Mar '24 Apr '24 May '24 Jun '24
Chrome 120.0.6099 120.0.6099 121.0.6167 124.0.6367 124.0.6367 126.0.6478
Firefox 119.0.1 122 123 124.0.1 125.0.2 126
Microsoft Edge 120.0.2210.61 121.0.2277.98 122.0.2365.66 123.0.2420.65 124.0.2478.67 124.0.2478.131
Browser Jul '24 Aug '23 Sep '23 Oct '23 Nov '23 Dec '23
Chrome 126.0.6478 115.0.5790 116.0.5845 117.0.5938 118.0.5993 120.0.6099
Firefox 127.0.2 115.0.3 116 118.0.1 118.0.2 119.0.1
Microsoft Edge 126.0.2592.87 115.0.1901.188 116.0.1938.69 117.0.2045.55 118.0.2088.88 120.0.2210.61

Mobile Browsers

Browser Jan '24 Feb '24 Mar '24 Apr '24 May '24 Jun '24
Apple 17.2.1 17.3 17.3.1 17.4.1 17.4.1 17.5.1
Android 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0
Browser Jul '24 Aug '23 Sep '23 Oct '23 Nov '23 Dec '23
Apple 17.5.1 16.6 16.6 17.0.3 17.1 17.2
Android 14.0 13.0 13.0 14.0 14.0 14

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